​​​​​​​Expression Wall
Waves of plexiglass
The Expression Wall is a playful surface that allows you to express yourself in many different ways. You can engage from a distance as your body movement triggers colorful animations. 

In expression mode, you can move abstract color around with your hands. 

In drawing mode, you are prompted with a question that you can answer in written or drawn form.
This unique touch surface was created with 100 procedurally generated slats of plexiglass which are backlit by LED light. The natural flex of the plexiglass provides a surprising and delightful surface for drawing.
The Expression Wall is an ongoing installation at Deloitte University that gives attendees a way to express themselves. Each expression is stored in an ever growing gallery that reflects the moods, opinions and interests of D.U. attendees.


Zander Brimijoin - Creative Director
Daniel Scheibel - Technology Director
Lisa Walters - Executive Producer
Greg Schomburg - Lead Developer
Paula Ceballos - Junior Designer
Neely Lisk - Producer


PiotrWorks - Industrial Design
MachineHistories - Fabrication


Created for Deloitte University
Commissioned by Deloitte Digital

Expression Wall


Expression Wall

Expression Wall is a permanent installation at Deloitte University that celebrates the connection between the left and right brain while explorin Read More
